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LOL I got le daily deviation

...on my newest picture "I am the Plague". I had to write le journal about it, because everyone does it, so I don't wanna be worse HURRR


It wasn't suggested by anyone (thanks guys, I see how it is :iconthatsgreatplz: LOL) They even wrote something, like, "I am the Plague by *Yaoi-World is an atmospheric piece with good composition and appealingly sketchy line work. "  appealingly sketchy line work, that's right baby, tell me moar :iconshewantsyouplz:

Apparently, when you get a DD you are not notified about it. If I wouldn't be vain and wouldn't click this picture to check how much views it got LOL  (don't look at me li ...

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What a big baby.

From yummy-yaoi - Original post


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